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명곡의과학연구소 세미나 학술활동입니다
2024.05.30 류기현(건양의대)
  • 소화제 사용법
2024.05.24 송재황(건양의대) (해외연수보고회)
  • 족부변형의 3D 영상 분석
2024.05.17 류기현(건양의대)
  1. 1. 일회용 내시경(Disposable endoscopy)
  2. 2. Fellowship in Mayo Clinic
2024.04.30 이수지(fertility and well-being laboratory, MPIDR)
  • A social medicine approach to low fertility
2024.01.31 노구섭(경상국립의대)
  • The role of lipocalin-2 in acute lung injury and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis
2023.10.18 이희승(연세의대)
  • integrative analysis of multiple genomic data from intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma organoids enables tumor subtyping
2023.04.19 이정의(건양의대)
  • Roles of the primary cilia in brown adipose tissue
2023.01.12 정흥채(대전 TP BIO 융합센터)
손지훈(대전 TP BIO 융합센터)
주제: 마이크로바이옴 빅데이타 기반 바이오헬스케어 기술개발 동향 공유 및 네트워킹
  • 마이크로바이옴, 빅데이타, 그리고 비즈니스 기회
  • 의료인공지능과 마이크로바이옴
  • 임상질환과 마이크로바이옴
  • 마이크로바이옴 NGS 분석 및 데이터 처리방법
  • 인체유래물은행과 활용
2022.08.05 김태현(원광대의대)
  • 췌장암의 조기 진단
2022.06.14 김제익(라이노바이오(주))
  • ISOPLEXIS (단일세포수준의 Secretomics 분석기기) 교육
2021.10.23 주제: 간성뇌증 환자에서 담즙산의 치료적 적용 가능성
전혜연(건양의대 소화기내과)
  • 담즙산의 장내 미생물 조절을 통한 간성뇌증 동물모델 실험설계
정지흔(전 건양의대 해부학교실)
  • 동물모델의 인지기능 평가
2020.12.03 김제익(라이노바이오(주))
  • Live cell holo-tomography microscope 교육 (이론교육, 기기교육)
2020.07.02 김제익(라이노바이오(주))
  • Live cell holo-tomography microscope 세미나
2020.06.12 정해은(벡크만쿨터)
  • FACS Analyzer 교육(기기교육)
2019.09.03 신전수(연세의대)
  • Role of HMGB1 in inflammation and its secretion mechanism
2019.07.30 김상현(경북의대)
  • 아토피 피부염에 대한 약리적 및 면역적 접근법
2019.07.25 최완수(건국대 의학전문대학원)
  • The regulatory B cell-mediated peripheral tolerance maintained by mast cell IL-5 suppresses contact hypersensitivity
2019.07.23 김성수(경희의대)
  • ROS: Friend or Foe?
2019.02.12 정재훈(건양의대)
  • Stress-induced learning and memory impairment is mediated by Toll-like receptors activation
2019.01.15 신성재(연세의대)
  • 새로운 결핵 백신 개발 동향
2019.01.08 윤세희(건양의대)
  • Inhibition of Nox4 for renoprotection in acute kidney injury
2018.12.05 류기현(건양의대)
  • Bile acid can modulate the composition of gut microbiota
2018.11.07 김연수(건양의대)
  • 두경부암 관련 연구 발표
2018.10.10 손지웅(건양의대)
  • PLGA 기반의 microRNA 전달을 통한 폐암대사 경로제어
2018.11.22 윤수진(베크만쿨터)
  • 베크만 쿨터 Flowcytometer 교육 - Cytoflex 사용법
2018.08.22 윤수진(베크만쿨터)
  • 베크만 쿨터 Flowcytometer 교육 - Cytoflex 사용법
2018.12.18 김소연(건양의대)
  • 서사향의 항염증 및 대사증후군 억제 활성
2018.12.12 윤경철(전남의대)
  • New drug delivery system for dry eye
2018.11.20 김주한(서울의대)
  • 4차 산업혁명과 의료의 미래
2018.11.13 김재진(연세의대 강남세브란스병원)
  • 정신과학과 가상현실
2018.11.09 정준(연세의대 강남세브란스병원)
  • Update of management for TNBC(triple negative breast cancer)
2018.11.06 김기환(충남의대)
  • 중입자를 이용한 의료용 입자가속기 구축
2018.10.30 이병헌(경북의대)
  • Cancer therapy using peptides identified by phage display
2018.10.16 이은이(기초과학연구원)
  • 자폐스펙트럼장애의 연구동향과 미래
2018.10.12 이정은(Communications bilolgy-nature)
  • The best strategy to publish your manuscript: Editor's perspective
2018.09.19 박철승(광주과학기술원)
  • Thalidomide and cereblon: Dark past and promising future
2018.08.28 이솔지(건양의대)
  • Water-soluble nifedipine-loaded nanoparticles prevent the development of obesity-induced fatty liver disease
2018.07.17 최수희(서울의대)
  • Conscious experience of fear
2018.07.10 권태준(울산과학기술원)
  • Revealing host-microbiome interaction using functional genomics
2018.06.19 정지흔(건양의대)
  • Therapeutic potential of mitochondrial protection on hepatic encephalopathy
2018.06.12 박용천(한양의대)
  • Short-term psychodynamic supportive psychotherapy
2018.06.07 박용호(충남의대)
  • Otology related animal research
2018.06.05 곽정원(서울아산병원)
  • 방사선 치료에서의 방사선 안전기술
2018.05.14 김동기(가톨릭대 대전성모병원)
  • Nanoparticle-based intratympanic drug delivery for treatment of inner ear disease
2018.05.08 김영명(강원의대)
  • 신혈관생성억제 연구
2018.04.10 박장환(한양대 의생명공학전문대학원 의과대학)
  • 한국연구재단 신약분야 지원 현황 및 전망
2018.02.20 정보영(건양의대)
  • Rab25 aggravates cancer cell invasiveness through a β1integrin/EGFR/VEGF-A/Snail signaling axis and expression of fascin
2018.01.26 왕준호(삼성서울병원)
  • Recent trend of ACL reconstruction
2018.01.24 허광래(충남대 신약전문대학원)
  • 체계적인 약물작용점 탐색 연구
2018.01.16 김용호(가천의대)
  • PD-L1 inhibits acute and chronic pain by suppressing nociceptive neuron activity via PD-1
2018.01.12 이효진(베크만쿨터)
  • 베크만 쿨터 Flowcytometer 교육 - Cytoflex 사용법
2018.01.11 신종문(제이에스케이바이오메드)
  • Measure what's important to your cell: Agilent Seahorse XF Analysis opens up live-cell kinetic windows into cell function
2017.09.27 이효진(베크만쿨터)
  • 베크만 쿨터 Flowcytometer 교육 - Cytoflex 사용법
2017.09.19 김용재(칼자이스)
  • ZEISS confocal 교육 - confocal 사용법
2017.06.08 Roche
  • Real time PCR 장비 엔자임 실험 교육
2017.06.01 Roche
  • Real time PCR 장비 사용 교육 및 엔자임 실험 교육
2017.05.18 Roche
  • Real time PCR 장비 사용 교육 및 엔자임 실험 교육
2017.12.27 이창훈(한국화학연구원 의약바이오연구본부)
  • Development of cancer immunotherapy drug by targeting indoleamine-2,3-dioxygenase
2017.12.12 송윤섭(순천향의대)
  • Translation research using stem cells in Urological field
2017.12.08 나경세(가천의대)
  • SCI 논문 쉽게 쓰는 법
2017.11.28 강현석(Johns hopkin's hospital head and neck oncology dept.)
  • Immunotherapy in Head and Neck cancer
2017.10.30 김철훈(연세의대)
  • Translational research in psychiatry
2017.10.24 김동재(대구경북과학기술원 실험동물센터)
  • 실험동물과 동물실험제도 (중점연구소세미나)
2017.10.17 박정환(건양의대)
  • Role of TOPK in hypoxia related tumor microenvironment
2017.09.05 전병화(충남의대)
  • Circulating APE1/Ref-1 and vascular inflammation (중점연구소세미나)
2017.08.29 추승빈(건양의대)
  • 양성자빔 조사 케르세틴의 항염증 활성 연구
2017.08.25 명승권(국립암센터 국제암대학원대학교)
  • 체계적 문헌고찰과 메타분석
2017.07.26 이도연((전)연세의대)
  • Regulaation of SIRT3 signal related metabolic reprogramming in gastric cancer by helicobacter pylori oncoprotein CagA
2017.07.19 한영현(한국과학기술원)
  • Recognition of EMI2 by PLK1 and inhibition of the interaction on mouse oocyte maturation and fetilization
2017.07.17 홍준영(Yale school medicine)
  • Early-life viral infection in the pathogenesis of asthma: TSLP, IL-25 and type 2 innate lymphoid cells
2017.07.11 박진규(경북대수의대)
  • An endoplasmic reticulum protein, Nogo-B facilitates alcoholic liver disease through regulation of kkupffer cell polarization
2017.06.20 천근아(연세의대 세브란스병원)
  • 자폐스펙트럼장애의 최신지견
2017.06.13 박성호(울산의대 울산대병원)
  • Clinical application of diffusion tensor image
2017.05.23 김용준(경희의대)
  • Modeling peripheral genetic disorders by using direct cell engineering tools
2017.05.11 홍준표(울산의대 서울아산병원)
  • Diabetic foot reconstruction
2017.04.26 백종우(경희의대)
  • 자살 에방 사업과 근거 기반 연구
2017.04.18 김인준(학국과학기술원 의과학대학원)
  • Soxf-mediated vascular network formation
2017.04.04 최한곤(한양대 약대)
  • Development of novel irinotecan-loaded dual-reverse thermosensitive hydrogel system
2017.03.28 곽미경(가톨릭대 약대)
  • Targeting NFE2L2/NRF2 signaling in tumor stress environment
2017.03.24 김수완(전남의대)
  • Past, present and future of the kidney research
2017.02.14 이정은(University of michigan)
  • Acute protein restriction acts via TOR, PP2A and Myc signaling to boost innate immunity in Drosophila
2017.02.07 한진(인제대의대)
  • Mitochondrial function in stem cell differentiation
2017.01.17 정재호(연세의대)
  • Tumor molecular subtyping and precision cancer medicine
2016.12.27 이재원(이지브레인 의원)
  • 정신건강의학과에서의 뉴로모듈레이션(Neuromodulation)
2016.12.19 김대성(부산대 양산병원)
  • Congenital myopathies: our experience for 15 years
2016.12.06 송창선(건국대 수의대)
  • 최근 발생 조류 인플루엔자 바이러스의 독성과 예방대책
2016.11.29 김태훈(고려대의료원 안암병원)
  • Cyclic AMP in dendritic cells induce and regulate Th2 immunity and allergic asthma: Implication for human allergic thinitis
2016.11.22 고현정(강원대 약학대학)
  • Myeloid-derived suppressor cells as regulators of immune responses
2016.11.08 서구영(La jolla institute (라호야연구소))
  • HVEM expression regulates intestinal homeostasis
2016.11.01 한승호(중앙대의대)
  • Applied anatomy - New horizon of gross anatomy - (임상과 함께하는 응용해부학)
2016.10.25 서영호(서울대의대)
  • Regulation of AMPA receptor trafficking by auxiliary subunits in the excitatory synapses
2016.10.18 박환우(건양의대)
  • Unsaturated fatty acid protects trophoblast cells from saturated fatty acid-induced autophagy defects
2016.10.11 이유선(분당제생병원)
  • Radiation and Immunotherapy: A Synergistic Combination
2016.09.20 김영훈(국립공주병원)
  • Alzheimer's dementia
2016.08.30 진윤주(기초과학연구원 인지 및 사회성 연구단)
  • Regrowth of serotonin axons in the adult mouse brain following injury
2016.08.22 송창화(충대의대)
  • ER stress during mycobacterial infection: friends or foes?
2016.07.19 곽종영(아주의대)
  • Construction of 3D cocluture system
2016.07.05 김창성(세종대)
  • iPSC based disease modeling in congenital heart disease; future therapeutic option for devastating disease
2016.06.28 조쌍구(건국대 동물생명과학대학)
  • Regulation of self-renewal and tumorigenic properties of CD133high/CXCR4high/ALDH1high cancer stem-like cells(CSLCs)
2016.06.14 윤희경(건양의대)
  • Imiquimod에 의한 IgE 항체생산 억제에 대한 기전 규명
2016.06.07 송대규(계명의대)
  • 시상하부 렙틴신호와 cAMP의 역할
2016.06.01 최원정(국민건강보험공단 일산병원)
  • 마음챙김 명상에 기초한 인지치료
2016.05.24 강덕진(한국표준과학연구원 바이오임상표준센터)
  • Development of online pAb-specific phosphopeptide enrichment using a microbore hollow fiber enzyme reactor-nLC-ESI-MS/MS
2016.05.17 김현범(단국대)
  • Metagenomics in life sciences
2016.04.26 노오규(아주의대)
  • 의료정보학기법을 이용한 임상데이터의 분석
2016.04.19 설민아(건양의대)
  • Role of TOPK in LPS – induced breast cancer cell invasion
2016.04.12 송동호(연세의대)
  • 공감과 정신치료
2016.03.15 한준희(양산 부산대병원)
  • 보건의료 분야 공공개방 데이터와 R을 활용한 보건의료 연구
2016.02.23 유성란(건양의대)
  • HOXA9 plays important role as tumor suppressor in NSCLC
2016.01.26 최정혜(경희대 약학대학)
  • Chemoresistance in ovarian cancer: molecular mechanism and potential modulator
2016.01.25 정재훈(삼육대 약학대학)
  • Development of new ADHD animals model using behavioral characteristics
2016.01.13 유호진(조선대의대)
  • DNA 손상이 암전이에 미치는 영향
2016.01.05 윤호섭(한국전자통신연구원 인간로봇상호작용연구실)
  • ETRI 영상인식 시스템 소개 및 Deep learng 기술을 이용한 medical 이미지 응용
2015.12.22 김병준(가천의대)
  • Islet and stem cell transplantation
2015.12.15 박환우(건양의대)
  • Pharmacological correction of lipotoxicity - induced autophagy defects
2015.12.08 홍창형(아주의대)
  • Translational research in dementia
2015.11.24 김동현(University of michigan medical school)
  • Nod2-mediated recognition of the microbiota is critical for mucosal adjuvant activity of cholera toxin
2015.11.09 김종우(경희의대)
  • Brain-Gut Axis: Implications for psychiatry
2015.11.03 박철규(가천대 의학전문대학원)
  • Resolution of pain by modulation of nociceptors: A monoclonal antibody that targets a NaV1.7 channel voltage sensor for pain and itch relief
2015.10.20 권은수(한국생명공학연구원 노화과학연구소)
  • 예쁜 꼬마선충을 이용한 FOXO 유전자의 전사발현 조절에 의학 노화조절 연구
2015.10.13 유광식(건양의대)
  • Therapeutic effects of detoxified extract of rhus verniciflua strokes (DRVS) against alzheimer pathology in transgenic mice
2015.10.06 송시열(울산의대 서울아산병원)
  • Recent update of stereotactic body radiation therapy for lung cancer
2015.09.23 구창규(Department of Medicine, Harvard Medical School and Division of Nephrology, Massachusetts General Hospital)
  • Dynamin: an actin regulatory protein and a pharmacological target for Chronic kidney disease
2015.09.15 박종환(전남대)
  • 중피세포(mesothelial cells)의 면역기전 및 활용
2015.08.25 김아롱(건양의대)
  • 방사선 조사 기법을 이용한 폴리페놀 항염증활성 조절 (김아롱)
  • Role of TOPK in Paclitaxel-induced autophagy (박정환)
2015.08.13 공구(한양대의대)
  • MEL-18 is a new determinant for breast cancer treatment
2015.08.11 정범석(KAIST)
  • 정서적 상처와 뇌발달
2015.07.21 이종교(한국화학연구원)
  • 바이러스 감염 동물 모델
2015.07.07 이회영(건양의대)
  • 한국연구재단 연구비 현황과 추진 방향
2015.06.02 문민호(건양의대)
  • Searching for potential cure / treatment of Alzheimer’s disease
2015.05.26 김형범(연세대)
  • Genome engineering using programmable nucleases
2015.05.20 기몽서((주)기공시스템)
  • 보건의료 영역에서 3D 프린터 현황과 발전과제
2015.05.12 문지영(을지대)
  • Bioimaging: Current Concepts in Electron Microscopy
2015.05.09 민양기(국립중앙의료원 이비인후과)
  • 영어로 생의학논문 쓰기
    (The Essential Guide to Writing Biomedical Paper in English)
2015.05.06 김동인(Associate research scientist in biomedical engineering, internal medicine, Yale university)
  • Synergistic anticancer immunotherapy simultaneously targeting avb3 integrin and TGF-b
2015.04.28 김회숙(서울대)
  • Molecular imaging: Principles and applications in biomedical research
2015.04.21 신종대(건양의대)
  • Function of RLIM / Rnf12 in the X chromosome inactivation in mice
2015.04.14 백승근(건양대)
  • Enhanced responses of DRG neruons to serotonin contributes to pruritogenesis in a rat model of atopic dermatitis
2015.02.24 신찬영(건국대의대)
  • 자폐증 (Autism)의 기전 및 치료 연구
2015.02.10 김동재(건양의대)
  • 임신 유지에 있어 태반 세포들의 상호작용 (김동재)
  • PI3K delta and pre-Osteoclast if ferentiation (류병준)
2015.02.03 박환우(건양의대)
  • How can we conqueraging & metabolic syndrome?:Sestrin & Autophagy
2015.01.20 이해우(대구경북의약첨복단지 임상시험신약생산센터)
  • Data-driven analytics in biological problems and processes
2015.01.14 박종훈(숙명여대)
  • 유방암 치료에서 Notch 신호의 역할
2014.12.16 박진봉(충대의대)
  • GABAA receptor currents: Views from outside the synaptic clefts
2014.12.09 조경화(건양의대)
  • BRMS1 suppresses cancer cell EMT and invasion (조경화)
  • The role of Dectin-1 in B cell antibody production (서범석)
2014.11.18 임승택(건양의대)
  • The past, present and future of Immunotherapy in cancer treatment
2014.11.11 이강준(인제대의대)
  • 알츠하이머 치매 연구의 최신지견
2014.11.04 이태훈(경희대)
  • Functional roles of human CC chemokine CCL15 in expression of cell adhesion molecules and in inflammation
2014.10.28 이병헌(경북대의대)
  • In vivo imaging of apoptosis: Biomedical significance and applications
2014.10.21 권기량(충대의대)
  • 종양대사와 마이토콘드리아
2014.10.14 박정환(건양의대)
  • Role of TOPK in chemoresistance of cancer cells (박정환)
  • The rapeutic effects of whole body vibration on peripheral nerve injury (박동호)
2014.10.07 장규윤(전북대의대)
  • The expression and role of SIRT1 and DBC1 in human malignant tumors
2014.09.23 신상모(한밭대)
  • A simple and easy test method for antibiotic resistance
2014.09.16 류정묵(건양대)
  • Stem cells in Eye: Cellular response to retinal disease and injury
2014.08.26 김은지(건양의대)
  • Role of progesterone on intracellular calcium regulation in pancreatic acinar cell (김은지)
  • Effect of equol NLRP3 inflammasome activation (양혜)
2014.08.20 박근규(경북대의대)
  • Orphan nuclear receptor RORalpha reprograms glucose metabolism in hepatocellular carcinoma
2014.08.12 김성윤(가톨릭의대)
  • Genetic deletion of bis protects neonatal Hippocampus from hypoxia-ischemia
2014.07.29 육종인(연세대치대)
  • Post-transcriptional and post-translational regulation of Snail-mediated EMT
2014.07.22 전병화(충대의대)
  • Functional role of redox factor-1 in vascular inflammation
2014.07.01 김선문(건양의대)
  • Vinculin expression in post–infectious IBS rat model
2014.06.24 강민정(건양의대)
  • Innate Immune Responses against Acinetobacter Baumannii Infection (강민정)
  • Temozolomide-induced Autophagic Cell Deathon Glioma Cells (한승연)
2014.06.10 김정태(한양대의대)
  • Thoracodorsal artery perforator flap의 유용성
2014.06.03 강재구(건양의대)
  • 줄기세포 치료제 연구
2014.05.22 김용원(University of Alaska)
  • Whath appened in the Arctic?(북극의 기후 변화와 바이러스 감염)
2014.05.20 구용숙(충북대의대)
  • A Guide to Retinal Network An alysis and Vision Rehabilitation Research
2014.05.13 이진아(한남대)
  • Autophagy in frontotemporal dementia / Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
2014.04.29 박정환(건양의대)
  • TOPK in LPS/TLR4 Signaling암세포 침윤과 전이 연구
2014.04.23 황득수(충대의대)
  • 고관절 관절경 수술의 최신 지견
2014.04.15 하권수(강원대의대)
  • 당뇨병성 합병증 치료 (C-Peptide prevention against Diabetic complications)
2014.04.08 이근식(강원대수의대)
  • Molecular Mechanism of Inflammasome, a New Target for Metabolic Syndromes
2014.03.27 이주형(전북대의대)
  • 쯔쯔가무시증 다발생 지역 털 진드기 유충 감염률 및 주민 혈청 조사
2014.02.11 이회영(건양의대)
  • 암세포 전이 연구의 최신 동향
  • Anti-inflammatory effect of isoflavones
2014.01.14 문애리(덕성여대약대)
  • Molecular Signaling in Breast Cancer Progression
2014.01.07 유임주(고려대의대)
  • Plastic Cerebellum in Response to Motor Activity
2013.12.17 한승연(건양의대)
  • Drug Delivery to Brainusing Nanotechnology (한승연)
  • The Function of Receptor Interacting Protein 2 (Rip2) in Immune Cells (박종환)
2013.12.10 박진영(연세의대)
  • Gamma Oscillations and Theta-Gamma Coupling in Scalp EEG
2013.11.12 이수재(한양대)
  • Molecular Signaling for the Acquisition of Invasiveness in Glioma Cells
2013.11.05 정인덕(건국의대)
  • The rapuetic Cancer Vaccine Targeting TLR (정인덕)
  • 한국 연구재단 의약학 사업 소개 (박영민)
2013.10.22 송영수(한양의대)
  • Cancer Genomics: A shortcut to Personalized Medicine?
2013.10.15 이준행(건양의대)
  • TGF-beta Induced Signal Transduction and its Regularion in Subconjunctival Fibroblast (이준행)
  • 선천면역반응에 의한 수지상 세포의 면역 조절에 관한 연구 (이정림)
2013.10.01 임춘화(을지의대)
  • 국내 바이오뱅크의 현황
2013.09.24 홍석찬(울산의대)
  • Primary Humoral Response during Human Acute Viral Infection
2013.08.13 이제훈(건양의대)
  • Clinical An atomy Research from Cadaver (이제훈)
  • Propofol Effects on Cerebellar Parallel Fiber-Purkinje Cell Synapse (김동관)
2013.08.06 남석우(가톨릭의대)
  • Insight into Histone Deacetylases and Their Regulatory microRNAs in Liver Cancer
2013.07.23 이석용(성균관약대)
  • Pharmacogenomic Studies on CYP Enzymes for the Personalized Medicine
2013.07.16 김은지(건양의대)
  • SR Ca2+ channels are altered in Cultured Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells (김은지)
  • TLR 및 NLR 자극을 통한 B 세포 활성 및 항체 합성 (박석래)
2013.07.09 최재훈(한양대)
  • 동맥경화병변 내 포말세포의 성상 및 기원 분석
2013.06.18 이원우(서울대의대)
  • Regulation of Th17 Responses in Human: Critical Role of IL-1 Receptors
2013.06.11 고병이(건양의대)
  • Inhibition of Corneal Neovascularization
2013.06.04 백문창(경북대)
  • Proteomics-based Exosome Research to Identify cancer Invasion Factors
2013.05.21 정윤석(질병관리본부)
  • Role of APOBEC3 in Genetic Diversity in HIV
2013.05.14 김동재(건양의대)
  • The Role of Innate Immune Receptors on Helicobacter Infection
2013.05.07 유영춘(건양의대)
  • Modulation of Allergen-specific Immune Responsesusing Irradiation Technology (유영춘)
  • Sumoylation and its Biological Role (오상묵)
2013.04.25 이무식(건양의대)
  • The Decline Effect In Medicine
2013.04.16 정성윤(울산의대)
  • Development of Nanomedicine for Human Cancer
2013.04.09 유기연(원주대치대)
  • Animal Modeling & its Application for Ischemic Stroke
2013.03.26 심성보(울산의대)
  • Genetic Mechanism of Corticospinal System Development and Evolution
2013.03.19 정강진(건양의대)박종환(건양의대)
  • Lysophosphatidic Acid-Induced Proteolytic Enzyme Expression and Cancer Cell Invasion (정강진)
  • Mesothelial Cells의 선천 면역 반응 (박종환)
2013.02.05 오상철(고려대의대)
  • Hedgehog Pathway In Cancer
2013.01.08 박석래(건양의대)
  • B 세포와 항체 합성 (박석래)
  • Plasticity of Purkinje Cell in Cerebellar Circuit (김동관)
2012.12.18 서동완(단국대약대)
  • The Role of TIMP-2 in the Regulation of Angiogenesis
2012.12.04 이명훈(경북대, 디피앤바이오텍)
  • Discovery of Biomarkers for Lung Cancer using Microarray Technology
2012.11.20 최용준(아주대의대)
  • NF-kB and STAT3 for Cancer Cells
2012.11.06 박문향(건양의대)
  • Utility of Diagnostic Electron Microscopy (EM)
2012.10.23 이회영(건양의대)
  • Cancer Invasion & metastasis (이회영)
  • TOPK(T-LAK Cell Originated Protein Kinase): A Target of Anti cancer Drugs (오상묵)
2012.10.16 김경근(전남의대)
  • A Novel Downstream Signal of Oncogenic EGF that Enhances Invasion of Colorectal Cancer Cells
2012.09.25 장용석(전북대)
  • Mucosal Adjuvants and Mucosal Immune Regulation
2012.09.11 김원(전북의대)
  • Lymphangiogenesis Induced by Erythropoietin and Unilateral Ureteral Obstruction
2012.09.04 한승연(건양의대)
  • Laboratory Approach to Studying Neuro degenerative Diseases(한승연)
  • Approaches to Development of Immuno modulators and Analysis of Related Mechanisms (유영춘)
2012.08.21 황승식(인하의대)
  • 건강과 시공간 분석
2012.07.03 임규(충대의대)
  • How Can Omega-3 Fatty Acids Prevent and Treat Cancer?
2012.06.12 이두연(연세대의대)
  • 폐암환자에 대한 온열치료
2012.05.22 richard chapman(University of Utah, Pain Research Center)
  • How Acute Pain Becomes Chronic; Emerging Findings and Hypothesis
2012.04.17 이진용(건양의대)
  • Pay for Performance 개념과 전망
2012.03.27 최완수(건국대의대)
  • Playersin Allergy; Mast Cells and Regulatory B Cells
2012.02.21 김태일(연세대의대)
  • Colorectal Tumorigenesis and Cancer Stem Cell
2012.02.14 이경복(건양의대)
  • Glycomics: A Structural Analysis of Glycosaminoglycans from Lethal and Non-Lethal Breast Cancer Tissues
2012.02.07 이성기(건양의대)
  • Immune Regulation during a Menstrual Cycle and Pregnancy
2012.01.31 임대석(차의과학대)
  • Cell-based Immuno therapy
2012.01.10 손용학(을지의대)
  • HBV 약제 내성 돌연변이의 검출
2011.11.29 신용섭(충남대의대)
  • Pathophysiology and Overview of CFS & FMS(신용섭)
  • Gene expression of CFS & FMS(조대현)
  • Interventional Treatment of CFS & FMS(윤건중)
  • Pharmacologic Treatment of CFS & FMS(유병연)
2011.11.10 지성길(고려대)
  • A Positive Feedback Loop between p53 and XAF1 and Its Implication in Tumorigenesis
2011.10.14 조성대(전북대치대)
  • Targeting Specificity Protein1(SP1)–Cancer Therapy using NSAIDs and Natural products
2011.09.20 김평현(강원대)
  • 락토페린의 점막 IgA 항체 생성 증진 기능
2011.07.12 라선영(연세대의대)
  • Pharmacogenomic Biomarker for Personalized Medicine in GI Cancer
2011.06.14 안진철(단국대)
  • Mechanism of Photodynamic Therapy
2011.05.26 신의철(카이스트)
  • T cells and Immuno pathology inViral Hepatitis
2011.04.19 이상일(울산의대)
  • Patient Safety
2011.03.22 권영근(연세대)
  • Targeting vascular endothelium: What to do? & How to do?
2011.03.08 한정환(성균관약대)
  • Epigenetics for Clinical Application
2011.02.22 홍진태(충북대약대)
  • Role of IL-32 on Tumor Growth
2011.02.08 김치대(부산대의대)
  • A Potential Role of 5-lipoxygenasein A therosclerosis
2011.01.18 김재룡(영남의대)
  • Cellular Senescence: Association of Inflammatory Molecules with a p53 Pathway
2010.12.08 최완성(경상의대)
  • clusterin as a novel Bcl-2 homology (BH3) - only protein mediating apoptosis
2010.11.23 조은경(충대의대)
  • Autophagy and Innate Immunity to Mycobacteria
2010.11.18 yuji hiromatsu (Kurume University School of Medicine)
  • Management of Graves’ Ophthalmopathy on The Basis of Accurate Diagnosis :The Role of MRI
2010.08.10 박종환(건양의대)
  • 감염 및 종양 면역
2010.07.13 박석래(건양의대)
  • IgA Class Switch Recombination and AID Expression by B Cells
2010.05.10 최철희(조선의대)
  • Pharmacological Researches for ATP-binding cassette (ABC) Transporters
2010.04.14 주일로(아주의대)
  • Control of Inflammatory Responses by Nuclear Receptors
2009.10.06 한용만(카이스트)
  • 줄기세포 연구의 최신 지견 및 의학적 응용
2009.06.23 배규운(성균관의대)
  • Role of Cdo in Myogenic Differentiation
2009.06.09 김철희(충남대)
  • Functional Screening of Human Genesin Zebrafish
2009.06.02 이상이(제주의대)
  • 의료의 공공성과 한국의료의 발전방안
2009.05.26 이기원(건국대)
  • 화학 유전체학 기법 및 슈퍼 컴퓨터를 활용한 천연물 유래 표적 지향형 기능성 소재 탐색 및 작용 기작 규명
2009.05.12 김지웅(건양의대)
  • Empathy and Beyond : Neuro imaging Studies
2009.04.20 남명현(고려대의대)
  • Genome-wide Association Study using TagSNPs
2009.04.07 강동묵(성균관의대)
  • Na+/Ca2+ Exchanger에 의한 세포내 칼슘농도 조절
2009.03.24 권희욱(건양의대)
  • Midazolam and Propofol Protect Neuronal Cells via Upregulation of Akt Phosphorylation
2009.01.05 김국성(University of Pittsburgh Medical)
  • p53 and p66shc Mediate Endothelial Dysfunction
2008.11.11 이준행(건양의대)
  • TGF-beta Signal Transduction in Tenon’s Fibroblast
2008.11.04 전효성(경북대의대)
  • The Role of SMAD6 in Lung Cancer : As Regulator of TGF-β Homeostasis
2008.10.21 오상묵(건양의대)
  • Regulation of Cancer Cell Growth by Ebp1 Tumor Suppressor
2008.10.07 김형기(고려대)
  • Cancer Stem Cells: A New Paradigm of Cancer Biology
2008.09.23 김준범(건양의대)
  • Channel opathy & periodic ParalysisGenetics and Clinical Manifestations of Migraine a Channel opathy?
2008.09.09 최인표(생명공학연구원)
  • Natural Killer Development and Cell Therapy
2008.07.15 정용(카이스트)
  • In Vivo Brain Imaging Using Two Photon Microscope
2008.06.24 김응국(충북의대)
  • Myosin II Regulates Actin Dynamics: Involvement of GTPases
2008.06.10 한정환(성균관약대)
  • Increasein Plasticity of Murine Myoblasts toward Neural Lineage by Reversine
2008.05.20 김화중(충남의대)
  • Humoral Immune Responses against Mycobacterial Antigens
2008.05.13 이상이(제주의대)
  • 복지국가와 보건의료
2008.04.22 강재구(건양의대)
  • Array CGH (comparative genomic hybridization)의 원리와 응용
2008.04.08 김성조(호서대)
  • Infantile Batten Disease : Why Neurons Failto Survive
2008.03.25 김동선(경북대의대)
  • DNA Methylation, Primadonna in Opera "Carcinogenesis"
2008.03.21 정성우(연세대원주의대)
  • Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Neurogenic Erectile Dysfunction
2008.03.11 문성환(연세대의대)
  • Gene Therapy & Tissue Engineering
2008.02.26 손길수(고려대의대)
  • 유방암에서 수지상세포 (Dendriticcell)를 이용한 Vaccine 치료
2008.02.12 조양제(한국 벡크만콜터)
  • 방사선동위원소 관련기기 설명회
  • β-counter 시험가동 / γ-counter 시험가동
2008.01.15 서정민(생명공학연구소)
  • Bioinformatics
2008.01.08 이원형(충대의대)
  • 통증모델을 이용한 만성 통증 연구
2007.12.18 손지웅(건양의대)
  • Regulation of DNA Methyltransferases 3B by miRNA 29c in Lung Cancer Cell Lines
2007.12.04 이성기(건양의대)
  • Regulatory T cells in Obstetrics
2007.11.20 조은경(충대의대)
  • Role of Reactive Oxygen Species in Mycobacteria Infection
2007.11.06 최윤희(아주의대)
  • JAK-STAT Signaling Pathway in Inflammation
2007.10.16 정현철(연세대의대)
  • Translational Research in Cancer
2007.10.02 이진우(연세대의대)
  • General Characteristics of Mesenchymal Stem Cell & their Chondrogenic Differentiation
2007.09.20 윤대성(건양의대)
  • 국내 연구비 현황
  • 의학전문대학원 시행의 의미와 현황
2007.09.11 신현철(Livechem USA INC)
  • A New Class of Antiinflammatory Agent “SEANOL“:Looking for the Chronic Diseases from Arthritisto Cancer
2007.08.02 meichi piletz (Director of China initiatives, office of the president, Jackson State University)
  • The Mythof Learning Foreign Languages
2007.08.02 john piletz (Department of Psychiatry Stritch School of Medicine Loyola University)
  • Concept For Future Study:Neuro-Resilience and Plasticity Genes May Underlie Stress Disorders
2007.07.03 최옥순(The johns hopkins university school of medicine)
  • Molecular Mechanism of Mast Cell Activation
2007.06.12 Julie Simpson, Ph. D. (MicroBrightField, Inc.)iwoombf 워크샵
  • Stereology & Neuron Tracing Workshop/ Advanced Techniques in Qualitative and Quantitative Microscopy/ 1.Stereology with Stereo Investigator / 2.Computer assisted Neuron Tracing-Neurolucida
2007.05.22 이무식(건양의대)
  • 의학연구방법 -임상의학통계분석중심으로-
2007.04.17 손지웅(건양의대)
  • MicroRNA expression in Lung Cancer
2007.04.10 이정민(서울의대)
  • 영어 의학 논문 작성법
2007.01.18 정안식(한국과학기술원)
  • 셀레늄에 의한 암예방 및 전이억제
2006.12.19 이준행(건양의대)
  • Upregulation of TGF-beta-induced tissue transglutaminase expression by PI3K-Akt pathway activation in human subconjunctival fibroblasts.
2006.11.09 류승우(Johns Hopkins University)
  • Endothelial Arginase II : A Novel Target for Atheroprevention
2006.10.20 권택규(계명의대)
  • Modulation of TRAIL/ER stress-mediated apoptosis by hemopreventive agents (권택규)
  • Role of PKC on the death receptor-mediated necrotic cell death (허강민)
2006.09.19 배장호(건양의대)
  • Tissue Characterization of Coronary Artery Plague
2006.08.08 박형서(건양의대)
  • 췌장의 외분비기능 조절
2006.03.22 고규영(카이스트)
  • Angiogenic growth factors
2005.09.30 배진선(충대의대)
  • Blunt Abdominal Trauma
2005.05.23 권형주(한림의대)
  • Development of therapeutic CpG-DNA for regulation of immune diseases
2004.11.02 허강민(충남의대)
  • Essential role of death domain kinase, RIP on the intracellular signaling mechanism in response to DNA damage
2004.05.07 염종화(연세의대)
  • Integron and antimicrobial resistance gene cassettes
2004.05.07 송원근(한림의대)
  • 항균제 치료 중 발생한 ESBL 획득
2004.03.04 강래문(미,하바드대학교목)
  • 하바드 대학과 미국의 역사
2004 박상철(서울대의대)
  • 장수마을과 고령친화 사업
2004 김성제(LifecordStat-korea)
  • Clinical trial
2004.02.06 전병화(충남의대)
  • Regulation of endothelial nitric oxide production and vascular tone by redox factor-1